You're right about the Rivalry between the Leafs and Habs being gone, but I think that is just from the teams angles. From all I see on the net, most Leafs fans still hate the Habs and really don't like their fans, and most Habs fans still hate the Leafs and most Leafs fans.
With teams no longer keeping the same players for their whole career, it's very difficult to keep the teams feeling the rivalry of old. We have Habs players becoming Leafs Players, and Leafs Players becoming Habs players. How can a team keep it's rivalry alive with that going on. It's up to us, the fans, to keep that rivalry alive.
Unfortunately, or fortunately (depends on how you want to look at it) I can't share in that Rivalry feeling about the Habs. Growing up in California, and learning about hockey here, with the Leafs in the West when I became a fan, I was able to like other teams too. That's why I can like the Habs too.
I didn't like some Eastern Conference teams as much as I previously did once the Leafs moved back to the Eastern Conference, but I found it impossible to feel that way about the Habs. How can a fan just suddenly hate a team like the Habs with their history. Impossible!! At least for me it is.
I will always be a Leafs fan first and foremost, over all other teams, but I will continue to like the Habs as long as they don't play the Leafs (or Sharks). As for the Habs and Leafs game, I liked it. We won. ;D (Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
I guess I'll just have to visit Molsen Centre again someday, but for a Leafs and Habs game instead. I can cheer for the Leafs and you can boo me.